Making (Agile) Business Intelligence Understandable


I help non-IT people to understand Business Intelligence and Agile. Book me as as a keynote speaker for your conference or invite me to your podcast. My topics cover a wide range about Agile BI and BI-specific requirements engineering.


Book me as your tour guide in “Agile BI City” or visit one of the public trainings on Agile BI at TDWI Seminare:

Agile BI City Tours

Community Builder

I love bringing people with shared interests together. Join me during one of the various community meetings I help to organize.

TDWI Young Guns

WhereScape User Group DACH

BI Champions


New to either Business Intelligence or Agile or both? Read my book “How to Succeed with Agile Business Intelligence”

Get In Touch

Reach out so we can work together to make Business Intelligence understandable for your audience.

Contact me!
